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GreenOps & Cloud Sustainability data

Our standard approach | Featured

Greenpixie is the leading provider of usage-based sustainability data to public cloud users, including energy and water consumption.

Read our Greenpixie Standard Approach for measuring your cloud emissions.

Greenpixie provides a full emissions profile of every service used; basing all calculations on cloud usage, rather than spend.

Our Approach: 
Data you can trust

Our automated data product allows emissions insights across cloud environments. We work with leaders in the emerging GreenOps space to influence best practices and power cloud sustainability initiatives around the world. Ours is the only ISO compliant cloud emissions methodology available today.

An image showing windmills in a field

Last year, 32% of cloud 
budget went to waste.

(Flexera Report)

75% of organizations reported an increase in cloud waste.

(StormForge Report)

94% of enterprises are using the cloud

(Flexera Report)

42% – Almost half of CIOs and CTOs consider cloud waste the top challenge

(Zesty Report)

Cloud will contribute 5.5% of global carbon emissions by 2025

(Wiley Library)

GPX Data

ISO14064 | Sustainable IT Standards | In line with GHG Protocol

Usage based data you can trust

GPX Data provides a full emissions profile of every service used and crucially bases calculations on cloud usage, rather than spend.  Greenpixie takes an active role in the future of cloud sustainability regulation. 

Cloud emissions data source built for FinOps

Most cloud users are already practicing GreenOps, but the lack of data is preventing them from making progress or seeing business value. With sustainability data adopted into FinOps workflows, developers can see carbon emissions data side-by-side with cloud cost data. Suddenly, it’s easy to make decisions that maximise cloud use for both causes. 

A diagram showing the crossover between finops and greenops value

Begin Your GreenOps journey

Integrating GreenOps data can provide instant value, while laying the foundations for long-term success.

The crawl, walk and run of GreenOps

Immediate value can be found in historic assessments of past FinOps optimization work, which will very likely uncover emissions savings your team hasn’t claimed credit for. The inform stage also allows reporting, baselining and educating for the future.

As your GreenOps maturity develops, the business and sustainability value of GPX’s data grows. Carbon and cost savings continue to appear hand-in-hand, with engineers enjoying twice the motivation to hit their optimization targets, while company-wide KPIs and rigorous governance ensure a sustainable future for your enterprise cloud.